Visegrad Design & Co-creation
festival & living lab for urban culture in creative practices
About Design Days
Creation of urban living lab for community engagement to raise awareness of urban citizens for better understanding of urban culture, based on circular city principles (inspired by Sustainable Malmo, Circular Amsterdam, Murcia Urban acupuncture).
Basic method - urban design thinking and gaming: series of sprint events with passion and problem oriented education on urban issues.
Participation, inclusion and engagement are main challenges for cities in Europe now. As the cities become more dynamic and important through demographics, social inequalities, ecological issues such as air pollution, transport, living conditions e.g. quality of buildings, urban planning, green zones in the cities, it is important to increase number of people who operate circular principles in Ukrainian cities and participate both in urban planning and management and joint projects initiated by urban citizens. Thus, such terms as empathy, observations, emotions and experience, idea generation, rapid prototyping, testing and iterations are vitally important for better urban service design in Ukrainian small and medium cities.
Rivne is a medium size city that has several initiatives in creative economics that is considered as a part of strategic development of our city.
In particular, it is built as triple helix of cooperation between University (NUWEE), city council and local businessmen. As a result we have activation of civic grassroots initiatives, hackathons, participation in international knowledge networks. To structure this movement we propose to rebirth former Volyn Fair (1920-30th) as a Volyn Design&Innovation Fair aimed on creation of urban entrepreneurship culture.
Meet our guests
Kosice, Slovakia
Nagykanizsa, Hungary
Lublin, Poland
Rivne, Ukraine
Explore our events
Day 1. Part 1. Goal. Definition of methods and goals
Serious/innovations game approach, Urban Design thinking, human-centered, service design, co-design, co-production, circular design
Day 1. Part 2. Group
Building the team according hackathon principles
Day 2. Understanding
Exploration of the object, collecting the data - empathy, jamming, photocollage, interview, moodboard
Day 3. Imagine
Idea generation and brainstroming. Community Canvas. People Value Canvas.
Service Logic Business Model Canvas. Circular City Design Methods.
Day 4. Make it
Real prototypes for different users, citizens. Storytelling trough video, longreads, comics and cartoons, posters.
Day 5. Action
Test, develop, launch, implement and identify.
DesignNight Screenings
"Abstract: The Art of Design"
"Maker"+ "Design & Thinking"
Urban Design Exhibition
Exhibition of posters and art, design in the Dome
Urban Cultural Jamming and Exploration
workshops on gaming and mapping about urban issues and entrepreneurship
Design Sandbox
kids workshops of urban history and innovations, digital tools, architecture, public spaces, biomimicry and urban ecology based on circular design principles.
Visualisation of dome for events and workshops
Our partners
If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to write us .
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